First "planted", or should I say submerged on February 26, 2010.
Straight out of the container.
Submerged at 3 inches.
After just 1 week the leaves reach the surface!
After 2 weeks, more leaves are on their way!
After less than a month, they've already outgrown the pot. I've moved them into a temporary home (one of those giant plastic containers). When mature, they'll need to be submerged 12 inches below the surface! I already notice little worms swimming around the water. Guess I will have to get some gold fish to control the problem. This is turning out to be a pretty big endeavor!
As of March 19, one snail and two goldfish later, the water lilies have developed their own eco system! Unfortunately, that means an algae outbreak which is why its got that greenish soup look. The two goldfish can be seen in the top left hand corner. The two plants are definitely different breeds as you can see from the shape and size of the leaves.
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